Wordpress 3.2 : a major move

wp 3.2 is out!
Wordpress 3.2 is a new major release, like 2.9 was.

But this time, not only because this new version of Wordpress introduces very exciting features, but also because wordpress 3.2 drops backward compatibility with legacy browser (ie6), PHP engine 4 (PHP4) and Mysql 4.x (5.0+ required).

Some PHP and Mysql restrictions

Indeed, if you try to install a recent wordpress (3.2 or greater), you may face some error messages. Before proceeding, make sure your hosting plan offers :

  • PHP 5.2.4 or greater (old requirement was PHP 4.3 or greater since WordPress 2.5 )
  • MySQL 5.0.15 or greater (old requirement was MySQL 4.1.2 or greater since WordPress 2.9 , MySQL 4.x prior to WP2.9)

If you get a message like:

Your server is running PHP version 4.4.9 but WordPress 3.2.1 requires at least 5.2.4.

Don’t panic, you may keep your hosting plan by tweaking some settings. Indeed, some allow to “force” the version of PHP used. For instance, Alwaysdata will provide such an option in your admin panel:

php5Other hosting companies will allow to force php5 by using a specific command to be inserted in the “.htaccess” file located at the root of the web directory (usually “www”): “AddType x-mapp-php5 .php” for 1and1, “AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php” for GoDaddy, “SetEnv PHP_VER 5″ for OVH, …

A bunch of new features

Wordpress 3.2 introduces a deep change in the backend: lighter, faster, easier to use… Just try by yourself or watch the video below.

For copywritters, a new editing mode where you get a “blank sheet”, without any disburbing icon or menu around.

And a brand new HTML5 theme, named Twenty Eleven, that embed nice features like the ability to have multiple rotating header images to highlight all of your favorite photos.

For all of this, have a look at the Wordpress.tv video:

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