Posts Tagged ‘php’
Wordpress 3.2 : a major move
Wordpress 3.2 is a new major release, like 2.9 was.
But this time, not only because this new version of Wordpress introduces very exciting features, but also because wordpress 3.2 drops backward compatibility with legacy browser (ie6), PHP engine 4 (PHP4) and Mysql 4.x (5.0+ required).
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Dirty hack: force primary category for wordpress post permalink
I’m not especially proud of this hack. However, I was getting crazy by how the category used for a post permalink is choosen. And I could not figure out a clean way to control which is the primary permalink (I hope it’s not part of Wordpress 3.0…).
You may need to set the primary category for permalink in two situations:
- First, you want some consistency among your posts, having them in the same primary category.
- Second, it’s never fun when, by adding an additional category to an existing post, it changes the post permalink!